If you have chosen to have a surgical abortion:
Most women feel pain similar to menstrual cramps that can vary from light to severe during the procedure. An intravenous (IV) pain medication and light sedative will be given prior to starting the surgical abortion to help minimize discomfort and anxiety. Some women chose not to have any medications and are still able to manage well.
After the surgical abortion, cramping usually decreases and is able to be relieved by Advil or Tylenol Extra Strength and/or a heating pad. Most women are able to return to their daily activities the next day.
If you have chosen to have a medical abortion:
Most women do not experience any bleeding or cramping with the first pill of Mifepristone. It is not until Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours later do women start to have bleeding and cramping within 30 minutes to 4 hours after taking the tablets.
Cramping can be mild to severe and can be stronger than your regular menstrual period. Stronger cramps usually do not last longer than 24 hours. Cramping can often be managed with Advil or Tylenol Extra Strength and/or heating pad as needed.
If you have chosen to have a surgical abortion:
The entire procedure takes 5-8 minutes. You are not put to sleep for your surgical abortion. You will be offered an intravenous (IV) painkiller and light sedative to help minimize discomfort and anxiety during the procedure.
After the doctor performs a brief examination, he/she will insert a speculum into vagina to hold the vaginal walls open during the procedure. The doctor will clean the area, do testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and numb the cervix with local anesthetic. The cervix is then gently opened and a vacuum aspirator will be used to remove the pregnancy from the uterus, stronger cramps may be felt at this time.
During the operation, your nurse will monitor your comfort level and vital signs while providing support and guidance through the procedure. Most women are able to carry a normal conversation with the nurse during this time.
If you have chosen to have a medical abortion:
You will meet with a nurse and doctor to have a vaginal ultrasound done, STI testing, and have any additional questions answered by your doctor before receiving your medication for your medical abortion. No instruments are used.